Baby Ava was born on Friday the 13th; unlucky? I don't think so. She's such a sweet little bundle, all 2.4kg's of her. Teeny tiny, but big on cuteness.
I was asked late last year by Ava's mum to capture some images when she arrived, but I think Ava must've been a little eager to get her moment in front of the camera arriving a week ahead of her planned 'eviction date'.
Ava took a while to really settle in to her session, she was content and happy, but not so sleepy. Once she settled in I was spoilt with poses to use, and got another hanging shot which is fast becoming a favourite among clients. It's not an easy image to capture, and while some babies settle easily into the sling, others refuse flat out. I have a few alternative props on offer for hanging poses, and attempt at least one per session.
Ava seemed to like kicking her little foot out of the sling, and I love the relaxed way she just hung there, snug and sleepy.
every session does have it's challenges though, and while we tried to get both of Ava's big brothers in some photos, we were only able to persuade one to be a part of the session, and, oh my... how gorgeous his eyes are.
Enjoy. xo