Monday, December 19, 2011

Two Days That Changed my Life ~ Baby As Art workshop, Melbourne ~

I know it's a big statement to make, but the two day workshop in early November (which I am only now getting around to blogging) with Baby As Art's Carrie Sandoval and Brittany Woodall have made such a defining impact on my newborn photography.

I think I knew from the moment I had my children that photographing babies would become a big part of my life, but after following the work of Baby As Art from it's inception (and in it's beginnings as Captured By Carrie) I was in awe of the seemingly simple poses and calm of the images. It was something I had attempted to emulate, but felt I was always missing the key element.

Imagine my delight when I found out they were doing workshops in Melbourne. I knew I had to be a part of it and set about making it happen. It was an experience I will never forget and one that has confirmed in my mind that newborn photography is where I want to be, and what I want to focus on as a photographer. {in all honesty I believe my husband is happy about this because I get my newborn fix on a regular basis and have stopped hassling him about having 'just one more baby'.}

Every piece of advice has helped me better my newborn photography and inspire my approach and confidence in this specialty.

Following are action shots from the workshop and images posed by Carrie and Britt, photographed and post processed by me.

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