Thursday, September 6, 2012

Never under-estimate the wonder and power of birth... Never understimate the strength and instinct of a woman!

This time yesterday adrenalin was pumping and excitement was building... To be witness of a natural birth of triplets was exciting enough, but to be entrusted by such a beautiful family to capture these memories was both humbling and precious.
I plan to put together a more detailed blog and perfected slideshow in the coming days, but with so many interested people, from all over the world I wanted to share this here with you... almost 24 hours on from such a remarkable and empowering example of what women are capable of if you allow them, of natural birth of multiples... it CAN be done...

To witness and capture the moments these little ones entered the world and watch a woman in her primal best, birthing her babies instinctually was nothing short of mind blowing. I feel so blessed and honored to have been able to capture the journey. Three hours post birth, the elation is still evident on mum as she holds her babies, 2 boys and one girl, all together for the first time earthside. ♥
Thank You, Chenoa and Dan for allowing me to be part of a career, and life highlight.

Left to right: Isaac, Ailah and Dylan.
follow the link to view the slideshow.


  1. I nearly jumped out of my skin when I saw this posted on Facebook. Congrats to the family on the safe arrival of these beautiful bubbas. So very glad they have had such a wonderful end to an amazing pregnancy journey. <3

  2. Lovely bundle of joys. Amazing all three babies are of good size. Congratulations!
